Comboni Sisters: New Leadership Team Read more

Comboni Sisters: New Leadership Team

The elections for the new General Directorate of the Institute of the Comboni Missionary Sisters were completed. The new General Council is as follows (from left to right, in the photo): Sr. Luigia Coccia, Superior General; and the four General Councillors: Sr. Rosa Matilde Tellez Soto, Sr. Kudusan Debesai Tesfamicael, Sr. Ida Colombo, Sr.Eulalia CapdevilaRead more…

Looking for an English Translator Read more

Looking for an English Translator

To the Superiors General of the UISG Dear Sisters, As you well know, there are four UISG official languages: Italian, English, French and Spanish which permit us to maintain a flow of communication with the greater part of the Superiors General throughout the world. We also have the UISG Bulletin that is published in sevenRead more…

#SisterToAll Campaign Read more

#SisterToAll Campaign

Catholic Sisters: Research Reveals Respect In 2015, Anderson Robbins Research conducted a market research study, Perceptions Toward Catholic Sisters in the United States. The study showed that while sisters are widely respected and highly admired, there’s so much more to learn. Below are some key highlights from the research. Catholic Sisters. Nuns. Women Religious. WhateverRead more…

Building a European Coalition for Responsible Investment Read more

Building a European Coalition for Responsible Investment

Building a European Coalition for Responsible Investment An initiative of Banca Etica and Etica sgr which aims to bring together institutional investors interested in socially responsible investing Institutional investors of Europe, unite your engagement efforts on ESG! Institutional investors, including pension funds, religious orders, endowments and foundations as well as investment funds and insurance companies,Read more…

Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: New Leadership Team Read more

Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: New Leadership Team

RELIGIOUS OF THE SACRED HEART OF JESUS: New General Government The new General Council of the Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for the next eight years will be: Barbara Dawson (United States) – Superior General Marie-Jeanne Elonga (Democratic Republic Of Congo) – Councilor Mónica Esquivel (Mexico) – Councilor Isabelle Lagneau (France) – CouncilorRead more…

Formation Workshop for Congregational JPIC Read more

Formation Workshop for Congregational JPIC

        September 12, 2016 Dear Superior General, We hope the beginning days of this year are times for you to consider many hope-filledopportunities for your leadership team, in the light of the Jubilee Year of Mercy. The forthcoming Formation Workshop for Congregational JPIC (Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation) Promoters, to be held inRead more…