
Application for Membership of the UISG 

Membership of the UISG requires the following: 

  1. Letter of request, with reasons, addressed to the Executive Secretary
  2. A copy of the Pontifical or Diocesan Decree of Approval of the Congregation
  3. Brief description of the Congregation, its Charism and Apostolate
  4. Completed information form (fill in computer or write in BLOCK LETTERS)
  5. Payment of the annual fee

Once these requirements are met, the Superior General will receive an acceptance letter and a Membership number. She will also receive the UISG Bulletin three times a year, and regular information regarding the Superiors General in a Newsletter sent by email. She will be entitled to participate in the triennial Plenary Meetings in Rome, in all the initiatives and workshops sponsored by the UISG and in national or regional meetings of their Constellations.

Annual Fee

To meet the expenses of UISG (which includes printing and posting the Bulletin), the Executive Board requests an annual contribution based on the number of the members in a Congregation.

1 – 200: 260 USD Euro 215

201-500: 315 USD Euro 265

501-800: 515 USD Euro 420

801-1000: 540 USD Euro 450

1001-2000: 960 USD Euro 790

+ 2001: 1880 USD Euro 1.585

If due to the economic situation of the Congregation, the payment indicated above is not possible, the Superior General may request a reduction from the Executive Secretary.

Payment can be made as follows (click here):

  • in person at the UISG offices
  • by bank transfer

Send documents to:

UISG – Secretary – Piazza Ponte S. Angelo, 28, 00186 ROMA

Tel  (++39) 0668.400.238

Fax (++39) 0668.400.239


Download the form to fill in