You are warmly invited to an Open House from 3:00 to 5:00 pm on Saturday afternoon, 22 October, 2016 at the Missionary Franciscan Generalate (same location as Good Shepherd Generalate) We recently completed our 21st General Chapter and would like you to meet and celebrate with the members of our new General Leadership Team: Sr.Read more…

Religious working for mining affected
Closed mines haunt two towns in Honduras as threats against activists mount Global Sisters Report is focusing a special series on mining and extractive industries and the women religious who work to limit damage and impact on people and the environment, through advocacy, action and policy. Pope Francis last year called for the entire miningRead more…

On the streets of Sicily, global sisters accompany African migrants
On the streets of Sicily, global sisters accompany African migrants by Tracy Badalucco, Global Sisters Report Sr. Maria Gaczol and Sr. Veera Bara close the gate outside their hillside apartment tucked in an alley on a main street of Agrigento, a town of about 60,000 people on the southwestern coast of Sicily. Two elderly SicilianRead more…

Spanish sister killed in Haiti
Spanish sister killed in Haiti described as ‘energetic, enterprising, a woman of vision’ Murder. Death. Working for justice. And hope. All have deep resonance in Haiti, and Solá’s death is a reminder of the urgency of the church’s ongoing work, something that was on display two days after Solá’s murder, when the Cathedral of Port-au-PrinceRead more…

Invitation for the Installation of the New Leadership Team
On the occasion of the installation of the Superior General, Patricia Byrne and her Councilors, Ghislaine Pauquet, Maria Nerissa Bandojo, Hanitra Rahanitririvoniandrianiony, Mary Guido elected at our General Chapter in May,and in gratitude for the outgoing Councilors, Mary Peters Jeanne Aimée Rahanisoamalala Meny Vera Cruz the Sisters of the Cenacle are happy to invite youRead more…

Pray for Sisters found dead in Mississippi
Sisters of Charity of Nazareth’s News With great sadness we announce that this afternoon (August 23), we were informed that Paula Merrill, SCN, was found dead at her home in Durant, Mississippi. Police found both her and Margaret Held, SSSF, dead this morning after being called by personnel at the medical clinic where they ministered. The two had notRead more…