In 2015, thanks to the generosity of the Conrad Hilton Foundation, the UISG Executive Board established an international Canon Law Council. Its current members Sr. Mary Wright ibvm (Chair), Sr. Marjory Gallagher sc (+ 2016), Sr. Tiziana Merletti, Sr. Licia Puthuparambil, smi and Sr. Mary Gerard Nwagwu dmmm represent 5 different continents. The aims of the Council are as follows: (a) to explore a variety of ways of providing a canonical service for Superiors General (b) to create a worldwide network of religious women canon lawyers who are available to advise Superiors General in different parts of the world (c) to offer workshops and other educational opportunities in order to increase canonical expertise among women religious.
To date canonical consultation has been offered to many Superiors General through meetings, Skype calls and email contact. A seminar for 40 religious women canon lawyers was held in Nemi in December 2015 and a Study-seminar in Rome for Superiors General in May 2016.
More Canon Law Workshops
- Article “Reconfiguration”, Sr. Tiziana Merletti
- Article “Canonical advice to global women religious”
- Rescriptum ex Audientia: prior consultation with the Holy See for the erection of diocesan institutes
- Interview with Sr. Sr. Licia Puthuparambil, member of the UISG Canon Law Council
For further information please contact