Letters to sisters and invitations to Rome continue a conversation Read more

Letters to sisters and invitations to Rome continue a conversation

Being refined and tested by fire is never a comfortable process. So most women religious in the United States were relieved when the apostolic visitation came to an end on Dec. 16, 2014. But they had also been refined, purified and tested. Again and again they told Global Sisters Report they had been changed byRead more…

On Women Deacons Read more

On Women Deacons

Interview with Luke Hansen, SJ on Women Deacons My prayer for them is that they are discerning. I hope they don’t look at historical practice as rigidly dictating what we can or cannot do today. Discernment would mean that alongside crucial historical and theological evidence, there will be serious consideration of the pastoral needs of peopleRead more…

Missionary Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception’s General Leadership Team Read more

Missionary Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception’s General Leadership Team

New Missionary Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception’s General Leadership Team 4th Communication From the MFIC General Chapter Larne, Northern Ireland – 27/07/2016 Congratulations to the new Missionary Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception’s General Leadership Team: Sr. Pauline Robinson, General Minister (Australia) Sr. Marie Puleo, General Vicaress (United States) Sr. Danielle Julien, General CouncillorRead more…

LCWR Assembly 2016: Leading from the Allure of Holy Mystery, Contemplation and Transformation Read more

LCWR Assembly 2016: Leading from the Allure of Holy Mystery, Contemplation and Transformation

2016 Assembly of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious Leading from the Allure of Holy Mystery: Contemplation and Transformation Sr. Pat Farrell, OSF At the communal level women religious are being invited to enter the spaciousness of contemplative processes together. The circumstances of our congregational lives have been leading us. Our future is uncertain. We can only createRead more…

LCWR Assembly Deepens Understanding of the Essential Role of Contemplation Read more

LCWR Assembly Deepens Understanding of the Essential Role of Contemplation

LCWR Assembly Deepens Understanding of the Essential Role of Contemplation [Atlanta, GA] At the annual assembly of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), held August 9-12, nearly 800 participants engaged in contemplative processes to explore the assembly theme of “Embracing the Mystery: Living Transformation.” The presentations and processes led the participants to new understandingsRead more…