To the Superiors General of the UISG
Dear Sisters,
As you well know, there are four UISG official languages: Italian, English, French and Spanish which permit us to maintain a flow of communication with the greater part of the Superiors General throughout the world.
We also have the UISG Bulletin that is published in seven languages: Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
At this moment, we are looking for an English Translator. We respectfully request you to discern if one of your Sisters may be available to meet this necessity and the opportunity to be of service to women religious of today.
The translation work is properly paid and can be done from home and from other countries.
We are therefore, looking for a religious:
• whose mother tongue is English
• who knows another language like Italian, Spanish or French for the translation work
We enclose a FORM where you can write your dates.
Thank you very much for your attention and concern.
We remain available for any clarification you might want to make in this regard.