Ongoing formation is above all to help the person more in oneself, to believe more in life, to believe more in community and the Church, and to believe more in Christ. This demands a conversion to a new learning attitude in Religious Life. What are the challenges for the future regarding the so called “OngoingRead more…
The new website of the UISG: the challenge of communication
Today we launch the new website of the International Union of Superiors General – – in six languages. This website is the space where the 1860 Superiors General, members of the UISG, can access to updated information, to the latest news and to the various documents of the Union. The website reflects aRead more…
… PERSPECTIVE, RESPONSE AND CHALLENGES. International Meeting. February 22-24 in Rome. Programe: Session 1 “Battle of values between fear and fidelity to Solidarity: Understanding Migration dynamics and the urgency of the current situation”; Session 2 “Stay with us: Practical responses to the Migrants/refugees”; Session 3 “Thinking globally and acting locally: strategiesRead more…
Note for UISG Members
Due to a technical problem here in Rome for two weeks we have been without the internet connection and the telephone line. We apologize for the delay in responding to your emails and requests. Furthermore, for the online publication of the new web site, some email addresses do not exist anymore. We are sorry for theseRead more…
Justice and Peace English Promoters’ Meeting
The monthly meeting of the English Justice and Peace General Promoters took place at the UISG Building: they talked about Food Security with the FAO Working Group.