UISG BOARD 2016-2019 Elected 16/05/2016: Sr. Carmen Sammut (Malta) – President SOEURS MISSIONNAIRES DE N.D. D’AFRIQUE Sr. Sally Hodgdon csj (US) SUORE DI S.GIUSEPPE DI CHAMBERY Sr. Veronica Openibo shcj (Nigeria) SOCIETA’ DEL S.BAMBINO GESU’ Sr. Monica Joseph rjm (India) RELIGIOSE DI GESU’ E MARIA Sr. Aurora Calvo Ruiz mc (Spain) SUORE MERCEDARIERead more…
#UISGPlenary: Supporting Global Sisterhood
Sr. Rosemary Nassif, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation The global sisterhood is created by partnerships—not only in what we do, in our works, but also in our relationships – how we think, plan, organize, learn, believe and hope. Collaboration is a true sign of vitality of religious life today! How can we do more together thanRead more…
#UISGPlenary: summary of the second day
Day 2, May 10th, began with a reflection by Sister Simona Brambilla MC who picked up the threads of our weaving and helped us to see what we had witnessed yesterday. In particular, she recalled the question that was asked of us in several ways: “Sisters, are you in there?” “Sisters, are you happy?” WeRead more…
Welcome 870 Superiors General!
Sr. Carmen Sammut’s introduction to the #UISGPlenary: Dear sisters, In the name of the executive board, the executive secretary, and all the staff of the UISG, I have the joy of welcoming you to this our Plenary Assembly. I also welcome our guests, our speakers, the members of the press, our translators, our listeners and allRead more…
Women Religious inside the Church
Interview to Sr. Patricia Murray, ibvm, UISG Secretary: “Our slogan should be “never do alone what we can do together.” We have a vast global network which can be mobilized to create a culture of love and compassion, in order to tackle indifference and exclusion. Women religious can serve the church at every level, fromRead more…