Multimedia International invites you to its monthly workshop on Collaboration with the Press: What journalists want to know. UISG is part of MMI. Speaker: Joshua McElwee, Vatican Correspondent National Catholic Reporter

The religious and migrations in the 21 st century
Sr. Patricia Murray, ibvm, participated one of the Panels, telling about UISG Migrants Project in Sicily. The international conference “The religious and migrations in the 21 st century: perspectives, response and challenges”, organised by the representation before the United Nations of the Passionists International, the Congregation of St. Joseph, Augustinians International and the Vincentians, yesterdayRead more…

To decide on the Church’s future
Interview with Sr Carmen Sammut, for three years head of the International Union of Superiors General: “Sr Carmen is frank and feisty, with her ready open smile and her very bright eyes full of projects and hopes. The association she directs – as she explained straight away – has above all an internal relation toRead more…

New UISG Staff emails
Please note that staff emails have changed: click here to download and print the new list

Talitha Kum Training Manual
For Women Religious Active in the Prevention of Human Trafficking and Assisting its Victims This document is intended to serve as one of the instruments for women religious who are active, or willing to become active, in counter-trafficking1 efforts associated with preventative activities and victim assistance. Human trafficking is a recent variation of the oldRead more…

Meeting of the UISG Board
The UISG Board Members met February 25 at UISG Building to prepare the next UISG Plenary Assembly.