Sr Jolanta and Sr Franca send the UISG Message for Christmas
From the bottom of our hearts the cry raises even louder: Come Lord, Prince of Peace, Consoler, Admirable Counsellor, Our Brother … (cf. Is 9:5).
But HE IS WITH US and does not miss any moment or human gesture!
Therefore, as we celebrate His birth, we beseech God and wish that His joy – the fruit of faith and hope – may fill the entire world, our communities, activities and ministries, especially those who suffer the most. Yet, contemplating the Son of God incarnate in this swaddling Child, we say with marvel: so much love! so much love!
This is God’s path offered to humanity ever anew to restore its radical brotherhood and sorority and its dignity. Our thoughts gratefully go to the many whose commitments testify to the love, care and tenderness of God!
May we too be faithful to this journey, accompanying one another and lifting up the neediest. In the variety of charisms, we find light and inspiration! With the whole Church we unite in trust; we will enter the New Year holding hands and … stretching out our hands.
We walk together with many people of good will, restoring our frailties, the wounds of humanity and renewing this passionate life in the proclamation of the Kingdom of God.
Merry Christmas!
Best wishes to all!
Maria Theresia Hörnemann says:
Thank you, dear Sisters Jolanta and Franca, for this Christmas messages and for all the services rendered to us during the year 2020. Merry Christmas and a blessed Year 2021.
Sr. Maria Theresia Hörnemann SSpS