Sadness for Sisters in Yemen

Sr. Carmen Sammut msola, President of UISG, writes: “We, the members of UISG worldwide, express our profound sadness at the recent violent deaths of the Missionaries of Charity Srs. Ansel M, Margarita, Reginette and Judith and 12 others at their home for the aged in Aden, Yemen. Their daily prayer as Missionaries of Charity was “How can I quench the thirst of Christ?” Through their ministry among the most vulnerable they bore witness to the peace of Christ that passes understanding and calls us to be members of one human family.

We unite our prayers with those of Pope Francis who prayed “that this pointless slaughter will awaken consciences, lead to a change of heart, and inspire all parties to lay down their arms and take up the path of dialogue.”

We continue to pray for the safe return of Fr. Thomas Uzhunnali (from Kerala, India) and for the Missionaries of Charity and the family members of those who have died that they may experience God’s compassion through the goodness and support of many.”


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