The programme will begin on February 1, 2022 and continue through June 30, 2022. The programme will be held at UISG. In the event of any difficulties in relation to travel because of the pandemic, online participation will be made available. The programme is non-residential.
In response to the need to prepare sisters for formation ministry, the International Union of Superiors General (UISG) offers a programme in English for sisters taking up the responsibility of accompanying those in the initial stages of formation to religious life. This programme is offered in the context of the religious congregations of the participants and the needs of the church and the world in the 21st century.
In order to participate, submit completed application form and other requirements on or before September 30, 2021.
Download the brochure of the programme here.
UISG Communications Office
Sr. Claudette Morin says:
Will this wonderful program be also in French ???
Mary McGlone says:
Is it possible to do this program virtually or must the participants be in Rome for part or all of it?
Ufficio Comunicazioni says:
Dear Mary, sorry for the delay in answering. The brochure has all the information you need.
Pureza Madalena de Jesus says:
Hi Dear,
I’m Sr. Pureza, I’m interested about programme for the preparation of formators 2022. But I need some information. How many hours each day and what time does it start.
Bless God for you.
Ufficio Comunicazioni says:
Dear sister: on the flyer there are all the information you need.
Have a nice day
Patrizia – UISG Communications Officer