
Carmen Sammut
Welcome 870 Superiors General! Read more

Welcome 870 Superiors General!

Sr. Carmen Sammut’s introduction to the #UISGPlenary: Dear sisters, In the name of  the executive board, the executive secretary, and all the staff of the UISG, I have the joy of welcoming you to this our Plenary Assembly. I also welcome our guests, our speakers, the members of the press, our translators, our listeners and allRead more…

Patricia Murray
Women Religious inside the Church Read more

Women Religious inside the Church

Interview to Sr. Patricia Murray, ibvm, UISG Secretary: “Our slogan should be “never do alone what we can do together.” We have a vast global network which can be mobilized to create a culture of love and compassion, in order to tackle indifference and exclusion. Women religious can serve the church at every level, fromRead more…

UISG Canon Law Workshop 2016
Canonical Consultation Service Read more

Canonical Consultation Service

The UISG is pleased to announce the availability of our Canonical Consultation Service in this month of May. Sr. Marjory Gallagher, sc, a Canon Lawyer from Canada, English and French speaking, is available to meet with UISG members during the following days: May 16-17-18-19-20 – Location: UISG  – 2nd Floor – Time: 9.30 am – 12.30 pmRead more…

UISG Canon Law Workshop 2016
Workshop Canon Law for Superiors General Read more

Workshop Canon Law for Superiors General

CANON LAW WORKSHOP FOR SUPERIORS GENERAL May 6-7, 2016 – immediately before the UISG Assembly 2016 Presenters include: Sr. Sharon Holland ihm (Formerly of CICLSAL and Past President of LCWR) Sr. Mary Wright ibvm (Former Superior General and formerly of CICLSAL) Sr. Marjory Gallagher sc (Former Lecturer at St. Paul’s University, Ottawa) Read more