
Migrants and Refugees and Today’s Biblical, Theological and Pastoral Studies Read more

Migrants and Refugees and Today’s Biblical, Theological and Pastoral Studies

MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES AND TODAY’S BIBLICAL, THEOLOGICAL AND PASTORAL STUDIES INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE – 20-22 SEPTEMBER 2021   Migrations are more than movements of people from one place to another; they are related to cultural, social, political and religious transformations of people and nations, and to the continuous reshaping of communities. Therefore, they represent a majorRead more…

Interculturality and Religious Life Read more

Interculturality and Religious Life

Interculturality and Religious Life Interview with Sister Patricia Murray ibvm, Executive Secretary of the UISG.     Patrizia Morgante: Why do we speak so much about interculturality within the UISG and why is it important in the context of a religious life? Sr Pat Murray: In my opinion the reason that interculturality has now becomeRead more…

Sisterhood Works: United States Read more

Sisterhood Works: United States

Sisterhood Works: United States Sister Janice is a member of the Sisters of St Joseph of Baden, Pennsylvania. She began her journey of service to Latino people in Brazil: while she was missioned there, Sister Janice taught community organising skills and how to think critically about power structures, oppression and political engagement. Back in theRead more…

UISG webinar calls sisters ‘to be in a prophetic role’ in advocating for the Earth Read more

UISG webinar calls sisters ‘to be in a prophetic role’ in advocating for the Earth

UISG webinar calls sisters ‘to be in a prophetic role’ in advocating for the Earth “Religious communities are at the forefront of the transition to a more sustainable world but must continue to set an example and expand their efforts, sister advocates said during a June 9 online gathering. “We’re stepping up to be inRead more…

Consecrated Life at the Service of Fraternity in a Wounded World Read more

Consecrated Life at the Service of Fraternity in a Wounded World

Becoming Brothers, Becoming Sisters Consecrated Life at the Service of Fraternity in a Wounded World A UISG – USG Meeting on Fratelli Tutti May 26-27-28, 2021 This joint meeting of members of USG and UISG grew out of a growing desire at the level of the Executives of USG and UISG for opportunities for leadersRead more…