UISG Jubilee 1965-2015

uisg_logo_50UISG is celebrating 50 years of international service of women’s religious life. On 8th December 1965, as the Second Vatican Council was coming to a close, the Council Fathers and the Sacred Congregation for Religious (SCR) recognized the need for an international forum for women religious who were beginning a process of renewal. Since its onset, UISG aimed at establishing an international forum to promote dialogue between women religious, the institutional Church and international organizations.

The Jubilee will start on December 12, 2015 with a Eucharist at the Church of Santa Maria in Traspontina in Rome, celebrated by the Prefect of the Consecrated Life Ministry, Cardinal João Braz de Aviz. The Jubilee will conclude at the UISG General Assembly, which will be held from May 9-13, 2016 in Rome. We have designed a logo for the Jubilee Celebrations and we ask you to use it on your websites, publication s etc. We are also preparing a history of the journey of religious women as experienced in UISG. This is a time of celebration and thanksgiving and a reminder of the prophetic role of UISG and its members.



Celebrating the Jubilee of the UISGSr. Patricia Murray, IBVM (UISG Secretary)

List of UISG Presidents

List of UISG General Secretaries

List of the Themes of the UISG Assemblies and Plenaries

List of UISG Bulletins Themes