November 9-10
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Download the Booklet DESIGN for CHANGE
Highly esteemed:
Through this letter we invite you to participate in the VII Seminar of FORMATION OF EDUCATORS, organized by the Commission of Education of our Unions of General Men and Women Superiors.
We send you all the information related to the organization of the Seminar, and the registration form, so that you can organize with time.
- It is a seminar held annually in Rome for the Education Heads of the General Curia, the members of the General and Provincial Councils and the various national or regional authorities of our Educative Institutions who are interested.
- The seminar of this year 2018 will be focused on the presentation of one of the most interesting educational projects that is being promoted in the Catholic School and, in general, in the educational world.
- It is the project “DESIGN FOR CHANGE”, educational methodology that arises in India by the hand of Kiran Bir Sethi. Nowadays it is spread all over the world. This methodology is the basis of the project “LAUDATO SI”, driven decisively by Pope Francis as one of the most significant dynamisms that are in our hands to carry forward the “care of the common house”.
- One of the keys to our educational proposal is its transformative orientation. We educate for a better world, and to empower children and young people to be able to undertake that task. This is the key to our upcoming Seminar, which will be dedicated to the presentation of this important project.
- We will have the presence of members of the DESIGN FOR CHANGE and LAUDATO SI Coordinating Team. We will be accompanied by Bro. Juan Antonio Ojeda, head of educational projects of the OIEC and member of the project Coordinating Team, and Monica Canton de Celis, Director of DESIGN FOR CHANGE in Europe.
- Objetives:
- To know in depth the projects DESIGN FOR CHANGE and LAUDATO SI, entering their educational keys.
- To share criteria and options in the face of the impulse of the transformative dimension of our school.
- Collaborators in our Seminar:
- At the beginning, we will have the presence of Mgr. Bruno Marie Duffe, Archbishop Secretary of the Dicastery for Integral Human Development. We will address a few guiding words in relation to the bets of the Holy See in relation to the mission of education in the impulse of the doctrine of LAUDATO SI.
- Later on, Juan Antonio Ojeda will explain the keys to the DESIGN FOR CHANGE educational proposal, showing how from education we respond to the challenges of LAUDATO SI and the educational keys from which we must respond.
- Then, already in the second session of the morning, the workshop begins, directed by Monica Canton de Celis.
- Attached to this letter we send you a presentation material for the project DESIGN FOR CHANGE.
Practical information of the seminar
- Place: Headquarters of the International Union of General Women Superiors (Lungotevere Tor di Nona 7- Roma (Italia). +39 06 684 00 20).
- Days: November 9th and 10th, 2018.
- Friday November 9, from 09.00 to 19.00
- Saturday November 10, from 08.30 to 13.00.
- We will have simultaneous translation to three languages: English, Italian and Spanish.
- The seminar will offer the Friday lunch and the three coffee breaks of the breaks.
- The fee will be 100 euros. It will be paid at the beginning of the Seminar, after 08.30.
- Press here to fill the registration form. We ask that you to complete it properly and we recommend that you write it down as soon as possible, because the number of places available is 90 maximum.
We cordially invite you to these days of encounter and reflection, from the conviction that together we will be able to move forward in our capacity to respond to the challenges of a world that needs children and young people to be better. They are the ones who make us authentic educators.
Receive an affectionate greeting from the Education Commission of the Unions of General Men and Women Superiors
Rome, October 1, 2018