All Together against Human Trafficking


Invitation to participate in a survey: ONLY FOR SUPERIORS GENERAL

Dear Superiors General/Congregational Leaders,

In his message No Longer Slaves, but Brothers and Sisters to celebrate the World Day of Peace on January 1, 2015, Pope Francis invited all Religious to get involved in working against human trafficking.  He tells us: “… it is not sufficient to end the scourge of the exploitation of human persons. There is also need for a threefold commitment on the institutional level: to prevention, to victim protection and to the legal prosecution of perpetrators… We [Religious] ought to recognize that we are facing a global phenomenon which exceeds the competence of any one community or country. In order to eliminate it, we need a mobilization comparable in size to that of the phenomenon itself.”

Following the call of the Holy Father, the Anti-Trafficking Working Group of JPIC Promoters and the UISG sponsored Talitha Kum International Network, invite you to participate in a survey about the involvement of women religious in countering trafficking in persons. In particular, we would like to know the following:

  • Who are the Sisters working against human trafficking?
  • Where are they working?
  • What are they doing?
  • With whom are they collaborating (other groups and organizations)?

Your response will enable us to get a larger ‘picture’ of action against trafficking in persons by Sisters, and develop a country by country map/directory of such activity.  This is intended to lead to more effective ways of networking among ourselves and with others in order to put an end to this modern slavery and defiler of human dignity.

We would be very grateful if you could nominate someone in your Congregation to respond to the survey on behalf of your Congregation.The survey is available, in English, here. Please respond by May 31, 2016.

It will take only a few minutes to answer the survey, which could make all the difference to a woman, man or child trapped by trafficking! If you have any questions, please e-mail Thank you for your participation. We will inform you of the results.

United in the same Mission,

Sister Maamalifar Poreku, msola, and Sister Marie Alice Terrettaz, msola, for the Anti-Trafficking Working Group

Sister Gabriella Bottani, smc, Coordinator of Talitha Kum

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