Sustainability in the spirit of the integral ecology of Laudato Si’
January 17, 2020 – from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm (Rome time)
English: https://zoom.us/j/329878371
La sostenibilidad en el espíritu de la ecología integral de Laudato Si’
17 de enero de 2020 de 14.30 a 16 hs. (hora de Roma)
Español: https://zoom.us/j/718604885
La sostenibilita’ nello spirito dell’ecologia integrale della Laudato Si’.
17 gennaio 2020 dalle 14:30 alle 16:00 (Orario di Roma)
Italiano: https://zoom.us/j/685818792La durabilité dans l’esprit de l’ Écologie intégrale de Laudato Si’
17 Janvier 2020 de 14h30 à 16h00 (heure de Rome)
La durabilité dans l’esprit de l’ Écologie intégrale de Laudato Si’
17 Janvier 2020 de 14h30 à 16h00 (heure de Rome)
Français: https://zoom.us/j/731327380
17 de Janeiro de 2020 das 14:30 às 16:00 (Horário de Roma)
Português: https://zoom.us/j/566459857
Sister Mary Thomas says:
I attended the zoom meeting on Friday morning for me, last Friday afternoon for you on sustainability in the light if Laudato Si. Thank you for the excellent content.
I wonder if we all will have access to slides and the recording and when that might be? Will it come directly to me since I registered? I have numerous people I want to share this with to start building the “critical mass”.
Thank you again.
Ufficio Comunicazioni says:
Dear sister,
we have already sent out the ppt and recorded video. If you did not receive it, please let me know.
njah bongnavti caroline says:
please could you send to this address?
Arlene Flaherty says:
I also attended the webinar – which was excellent. I did not receive the ppt and recorded video. May I ask that you send it at the address below
Ufficio Comunicazioni says:
I will send you the material by email. Patrizia UISG