Spiritus Domini: UISG Declaration
Thank you Holy Father! We express our thanks to Pope Francis for the Motu Proprio Spiritus Domini, and to all those who have contributed to the study and research for this new step that sees the ministerial participation of women in the Church.
We are pleased to note that the title of the Motu Proprio is Spiritus Domini. As the Holy Father says in his letter to Cardinal Ladaria, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the decision that not only men but also women may be instituted as Lectors or Acolytes is a sign and a response to the “dynamism that characterises the nature of the Church”, a dynamism that is proper to the Holy Spirit constantly challenging the Church in obedience to Revelation and reality.
This document is given to us on the day of the Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord, the day on which God is revealed in communion with Jesus who became a servant. Looking at Jesus, we renew our common baptismal dignity as sons and daughters in Him, as brothers and sisters. From the baptismal font and then the chrismal anointing we, all baptised men and women, become sharers in the life and mission of Christ and capable of serving the community.