Sowing Hope for Children in our Care “CARE BEYOND INSTITUTIONALIZATION” Webinar Part 2: “Approaches to best practices towards transitioning residential care”. 25th January 2022, 12.30 pm -2.00pm (Rome time) Speakers: Dr Janestic TWIKIRIZE- A Senior Lecturer in the Department of Social Work and Social Administration, Makerere University, Uganda. Sr. Delvin Mukhwana, DHM- The programme Manager,Read more…
Sowing Hope for Children in our Care “CARE BEYOND INSTITUTIONALIZATION” Webinar Part 2: “Approaches to best practices towards transitioning residential care”. 25th January 2022, 12.30 pm -2.00pm (Rome time) Speakers: Dr Janestic TWIKIRIZE- A Senior Lecturer in the Department of Social Work and Social Administration, Makerere University, Uganda. Sr. Delvin Mukhwana, DHM- The programme Manager,Read more…
Webinar: Building a Communications Office
Webinar: Building a Communications Office Do you have the right resources to support your congregation’s communications needs? This panel presentation offers experiences from communicators in a one-person office, in a multi-person department, and those serving several sites across different cultures. Each will address key challenges, what works well, and how to grow the communications function toRead more…
Testimonies and interviews before the UISG Plenary 2022
Since several weeks, our website dedicated exclusively to the UISG Plenary 2022 is continusly developping and growing. Regularly, we are publishing short testimonies in which sisters from all over the world share their reflections and personal perspective on the theme of the Plenary “Embracing Vulnerability on the Synodal Journey”. In one of the recently featuredRead more…
For All the Earth – online course by sr. Laurie Brink, O.P.
For All The Earth (1 Cor 10:26) – Integrating of the Charism, Mission and Care of the Creation 18th January and 1st February 2022, 2:00 – 4:00pm (Rome time) As Pope Francis has urged, the development of an integral ecology on behalf of our common home is a Christian imperative, one that resonates deeply withRead more…
Engaging the Laudato Si’ Action Platform
Engaging the Laudato Si’ Action Platform January 14, 2022 from 2 pm to 4 pm )Rome Time) Bring the whole family together…for we know that things can change. (LS 13) Program: Messages from the Co-Presidents of the JPIC Commission USG-UISG, Sr. Noelle Corscadden, IBVM and Fr. Paulus Budi Kleden, SVD Deepening our Understanding ofRead more…
Raffaella Petrini, FSE appointed as the new secretary general of the Governorate of Vatican City State
On November 4 2021 Pope Francis appointed Franciscan Sister of the Eucharist Raffaella Petrini as the new secretary general of the Governorate of Vatican City State, making her the first woman to ever hold the post and now the highest-ranking woman in the Vatican. Sister Pat Murray, IBVM, the Secretary General of the UISG, commentedRead more…
UISG Bulletin 175/2021
UISG BULLETIN 175/2021 TESTIMONIES OF CONSECRATED LIFE IN THE LIGHT OF “FRATELLI TUTTI” The title of this issue of the Bulletin already gives a good description of its content. We are offering you testimonies of consecrated life in light of the Encyclical “Fratelli Tutti”. They are luminous examples of fraternity and sorority lived in differentRead more…
Education: from hierarchy to netarchy
Education: from hierarchy to netarchy Don’t miss the upcoming Panel on “Seminar on Education 2021” on Friday, November 5th 2021! Link to participate via Zoom: Meeting ID: 849 4155 0562 – 368358
Prayer for all the Charismatic Families Solemnity of All Saints – November 1, 2021
Prayer for all the Charismatic Families Solemnity of All Saints The Charismatic Families invites everyone to unite in prayer on November 1st: “The Feast of All Saints is now approaching. Once again this year we’d like to invite you, members of the Charismatic Families, to join in for a moment of prayer, both personal andRead more…
EMBRACING VULNERABILITY ON THE SYNODAL JOURNEY The UISG Plenary Assembly is one of the most important events in the Union’s life and is reserved exclusively for its members, the Superiors General of Religious Congregations. For the first time, we have designed a 2022 ASSEMBLY PROCESS organized in three phases reserved for the Superiors General: First Phase: Online meetingsRead more…
XI edition of the Diploma on-line in the Pastoral Care and Human Mobility
XI edition of the Diploma on-line in the Pastoral Care and Human Mobility In November the XI edition of the Diploma on-line in the Pastoral Care and Human Mobility will begin. The course is organized by the Scalabrini International Migration Institute under the patronage of the Migrants & Refugees Section of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral HumanRead more…