04Jul2021 PRENDRE SOIN: LA MISSION DES RELIGIEUSES Des Nouvelles 1 Comment PRENDRE SOIN: LA MISSION DES RELIGIEUSES #4 Les Soins 8 juillet, de 14h à 16h (Heure de Rome) Streaming Youtube: http://directfrancais.uisg.link Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 828 4575 8322 – 2021 TELECHARGEZ LES BROCHURES: English Français Español Portugués Italiano Polish Arabic German
Raymonde Maisonneuve says: I am trying to find the meeting which was sceduled for June 25th but to no avail was this cancelled? I cannot find any link either merci
Raymonde Maisonneuve says:
I am trying to find the meeting which was sceduled for June 25th but to no avail
was this cancelled? I cannot find any link either