A Leadership Development Program

A LeadershipLeadership Development Program for General Superiors and Councillors

Many congregations and institutes across the world are looking for new ways to focus on meaning and values in the work they do. Intercultural Congregations, which have traditionally been strong on meaning and values, are facing new challenges of effectiveness in mission, sustainability and accountability because of unprecedented change in demographics and the ecological revolution.
The current world context is challenging traditional approaches to group and corporate leadership. It calls on creativity on the part of leaders and members to work with energy in this time of discontinuity urging them to develop an analytic and discerning approach to their organizations. Apostolic religious congregations are well placed and are already creating new models.
This program seeks to enable participants to refine and develop both their theoretical understanding and their skills in approaching their leadership role and working effectively with their members. It will assist participants to reflect more deeply on the role that they can take in making a difference in their own organization and in the context in which they live and work.

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Organized by Faith and Praxis

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