UISGPlenary‬: a big family Read more

UISGPlenary‬: a big family

Sr. Carmen Sammut, UISG President, states: “It is every three years that we have the occasion to meet many of us, members of the UISG, together. Our theme is ‘Weaving global solidarity for life’. Our first aim is our getting to know each other, getting to know from the inside the contexts and situations we areRead more…

Newsletter UISG Read more

Newsletter UISG

In April 2016 UISG sent the first UISG Newsletter in four languages to Superiors General. If you did not receive it, it might be because it went in another folder (spam) of your mailbox or because your email bounced back. Please check carefully your mailbox and if you don’t find the Newsletter send your correct email to  comunicazione@uisg.org.  Read more…

#UISG Vollversammlung: Für das Leben eine globale Solidarität weben Read more

#UISG Vollversammlung: Für das Leben eine globale Solidarität weben

Die XX. Vollversammlung der Internationalen Vereinigung der Generaloberinnen wird vom 9. – 13. Mai 2016 in Rom stattfinden.  Mehr als 900 Ordensfrauen, Leiterinnen der gleichen Anzahl von weiblichen Kongregationen des apostolischen Lebens aus allen Kontinenten werden sich treffen und das Thema: „Für das Leben eine globale Solidarität weben“ behandeln. Bei den Herausforderungen, denen sich denRead more…

All Together against Human Trafficking Read more

All Together against Human Trafficking

ALL TOGETHER AGAINST HUMAN TRAFFICKING Invitation to participate in a survey: ONLY FOR SUPERIORS GENERAL Dear Superiors General/Congregational Leaders, In his message No Longer Slaves, but Brothers and Sisters to celebrate the World Day of Peace on January 1, 2015, Pope Francis invited all Religious to get involved in working against human trafficking.  He tellsRead more…