Religious communities opening spaces in their homes to refugees Read more

Religious communities opening spaces in their homes to refugees

Refugees and Migrants Working Group Of the JPIC commission USG – UISG Dear JPIC Promoter, You are invited to join us on October 18, 2017 from 9 – 12 at UISG for a sharing and discussion on the experience of religious communities opening spaces in their homes to refugees in response to the call ofRead more…

Meeting of Delegates 2017: Building community in an Intercultural World Read more

Meeting of Delegates 2017: Building community in an Intercultural World

Dear Delegates, I am pleased to convoke the meeting of the Council of Delegates of the International Union of Superiors General that will take place in the Philippines, at Villa Consuelo Retreat House in Novaliches, Caloocan, Manila, from November 5-11, 2017. The theme and focus of the meeting is: Building Community in an Intercultural World.Read more…

Webinars: Communicating the Mission Read more

Webinars: Communicating the Mission

Webinars: Communicating the Mission Fake news and journalism for peace “The truth will set you free” (Jn 8:32) World Communications Day 2018 Formation online for Communicators and Leadership teams using GoToWebinar platform: you just need a computer (tablet or smartphone), an internet connection, a microphone and a webcam. Before the webinar, you will receive aRead more…

Youth, faith and vocation discernment: Training for Educators Read more

Youth, faith and vocation discernment: Training for Educators

The Education Committee of the Unions of General Men and Women Superiors announces the upcoming celebration of its sixth Seminar of TRAINING OF EDUCATORS It’s a Seminar which is held annually in Rome, intended for responsible for education of the General Curias, members of the General and Provincial Councils and the different national or regional responsible of ourRead more…

Ecumenical collaboration in promoting inter-religious dialogue: Perspectives, achievements and possibilities Read more

Ecumenical collaboration in promoting inter-religious dialogue: Perspectives, achievements and possibilities

The UISG/USG Dialogue Commission cordially invites you to A conversation with Archbishop Bernard Ntahoturi – New director, Anglican Centre, Rome (read more) Subject: Ecumenical collaboration in promoting inter-religious dialogue: Perspectives, achievements and possibilities Time: 9.30am-12 noon Date: Wednesday November 15, 2017 Location: UISG Headquarters Admission free. Talk in English, with questions welcome in French. Download theRead more…

Justice and Peace Formation Workshop for Promoters Read more

Justice and Peace Formation Workshop for Promoters

Dear Superior General, Peace and all good! We invite you and your Leadership Team to consider a JPIC Commission-sponsored formation opportunity for congregational promoters of Justice, Peace and care for the Integrity of Creation (JPIC), which will take place in Rome from November 15 to 18, 2017. In light of the many challenges in the world today,Read more…