Sowing Hope for the Planet
Everything is interconnected
Campaign of the UISG 2018 – 2019
Dear Superior General,
Peace and all good! Thank you for your many efforts to make this world a better place. We are now asking you to consider joining a collaborative
campaign called Sowing Hope for the Planet.
We are urged to heed the call of Pope Francis for an ecological conversion “to become painfully aware, to dare to turn what is happening to the world into our own personal suffering and to discover what each of us can do about it.” (LS #19)
For this reason, members of the UISG Board met on May 18 and decided to whole heartedly promote the UISG Campaign, Sowing Hope for the Planet.
They have asked Sheila Kinsey, FCJM, Executive Co-Secretary of the JPIC Commission of UISG-USG, to coordinate this campaign.
We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to become involved in Sowing Hope for the Planet (2018-2019). During this time we encourage you and the members of your congregation to reflect more deeply on Laudato Si and to consider ways to make Pope Francis’ message a reality, both personally and within your communities. During this time, we will notify you of various ways in which you can actively participate. Many of the upcoming events are listed on the attached brochure.
For this campaign, please consider appointing someone to help engage the Sisters in this experience; a person responsible for notifying the Sisters of what is available and to organize prayers, observances and celebrations. Your community JPIC Promoter may be the person who can undertake this coordination or else a designated person with the responsibility for helping the congregation to participate in this campaign. We also encourage you to share what you are doing within your constellation.
In March 2019, we will begin to collect data on how you have participated by using a simple survey which will end on April 25, 2019.
At the May Assembly we will invite all the participants to reflect on the results of this survey and to propose and ratify a statement that will highlight the UISG response and actions with regard to Sowing Hope for the Planet.
Each of the following websites – UISG, JPIC Commission and Global Catholic Climate Movement will promote the campaign.
For any questions or information regarding this campaign please email Sr. Sheila Kinsey, FCJM, at
Thank you very much for considering your congregation’s involvement in the important work of Sowing Hope for the Planet.
United in prayer and in collaboration with,
Sheila Kinsey, FCJM
Executive Co-Secretary JPIC Commission UISG-USG
Felix Mushobozi, CPPS
Executive Co-Secretary JPIC Commission UISG-USG
Tomás Insura
Executive Director
Global Catholic Climate Movement
18 June, 2018
A testimony from a Religious Congregation:
“Dear UISG/USG JPIC leaders,
We, the Wheaton Franciscans in the USA and our international congregation FCJM (Franciscan Sisters Daughter of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary) will begin Sowing Hope for the Planet in August, when we will be creating a walking path on our US Motherhouse grounds called the “Cosmic Walk”. There will be 12 stations to this meditative walk which, through artwork, help us to recall the Universe Story of creation and how we are all one with creation and each other. From September 1 through the feast of St Francis on October 4, our international congregation will be celebrating the “Season of Creation” with various activities, as well as inspirational messages on facebook and our website, calling all of us to grow in our awareness of care for Earth and care for the Poor, which is also our JPIC congregational theme for 2017-2019.”
Spot of the Campaign
Season of Creation 2018
Follow up International Conference on the 3rd Anniversary of Laudato Si – Saving Our Common Home and the Future of Life on Earth
Conference on the 3rd Anniversary of Laudato Si: summary
Conference on the 3rd Anniversary of Laudato Si: final message
Laudato Si’ Conference and the Mercy International Reflection Process
#webinar Saving Our Common Home and the Future of Life on Earth- International Conference on the 3rd Anniversary of Laudato Si: July 5th, 2018.
Recorded video of the Webinar “Sowing Hope for the Planet”
Poster 1 – 2 – 3
Presentation of the Campaign: Sr. Sheila Kinsey
Resources in Spanish – French – Italian
Sister M. Veronique Wiedower, CSC says:
The Sisters of the Holy Cross are excited to be part of this campaign!
Ufficio Comunicazioni says:
Thank you very much sisters! We will publish more resources to share within our communities to increase awarness around Laudato Si. Patrizia
Diane says:
Dear Folks,
Thank you for this communication. We, the Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland, hope certainly to join with you in this campaign. I must first bring information to a group who will facilitate the process. I wish you the very, very best.
Diane Smyth, rsm
Ufficio Comunicazioni says:
Thank you very much! We will publish other resources to share. Patrizia
S Beatrice Hernandez says:
Dear UISG/USG JPIC leaders,
We, the Wheaton Franciscans in the USA and our international congregation FCJM (Franciscan Sisters Daughter of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary) will begin Sowing Hope for the Planet in August, when we will be creating a walking path on our US Motherhouse grounds called the “Cosmic Walk”. There will be 12 stations to this meditative walk which, through artwork, help us to recall the Universe Story of creation and how we are all one with creation and each other. From September 1 through the feast of St Francis on October 4, our international congregation will be celebrating the “Season of Creation” with various activities, as well as inspirational messages on facebook and our website, calling all of us to grow in our awareness of care for Earth and care for the Poor, which is also our JPIC congregational theme for 2017-2019.
Ufficio Comunicazioni says:
Dear sister, thank you so much for your sharing. I will share it with sr. Sheila but it might be a good practices also for other Congregations. I will share your comment on our social, please send me the link where we can see photos and resources to share and animate other sisters. I am very attracted by the Cosmic Walk. Perhaps we can invite you in one of our webinar to share the experience. Thank you so much! Patrizia
Anne Walsh says:
Mercy International Association (MIA) welcomes the announcement of the ‘Sowing Hope for the Planet’ initiative which aligns so well with the Mercy International Reflection Process MIR Process) Sisters and partners-in-Mercy across the globe have undertaken under the theme of listening to ‘the cry of the Earth and the cry of the Poor’. See:
We look forward to participating in the UISG campaign.
With good wishes
Anne Walsh
MIA Communications
Ufficio Comunicazioni says:
Thank you sister Anne! We are planning other webinars on this issue, so if you participate you can share your experience and good practices. Patrizia
Sr. Maire Naughton says:
Looking so forward to participating in this project to help our Universe.
Maire Naughton
Mercy Congregation
Lawn Road
co. Mayo
Missionary Sisters, SSpS says:
We, Missionary Sisters of the Holy Spirit welcome and support wholeheartedly the UISG Campaign, Sowing Hope for the Planet. It is very much in line with one of our congregational directions set by our 2014 General Chapter “COMMUNION WITH CREATION”. Through reflection and discussion on the Apostolic Exhortation “Laudato Si” we are growing in the awareness that all creation and life are interconnected and reflect the love of the Triune God.
We are trying to be creative and supportive of good initiatives that enhance communion with creation and include the theme more and more in our prayers and ministries. in 2016 we have published, for internal use, the book “Communion with Creation: toward deeper consciousness and interconnectedness”, a collection of theological reflections written by sisters and lay partners in mission. See:
May the Spirit Giver of Life bless all who are, in whatever small ways, Sowing Hope for the Planet!
Ufficio Comunicazioni says:
Thank you sister! It is so important for us to gather good practices within the Congregations and share it. Patrizia
Bineta Ba says:
The JPIC office of the Sisters of the Congregation of Notre-Dame are happy to be part of this campaign
Bineta Ba says:
The JPIC office of the Congregation of the sisters of Notre-Dame is happy to be part of this campaign
Ufficio Comunicazioni says:
Thank you very much!
Ann Marie Quinn says:
International Presentation Association (IPA) endeavours to address the issues of Women and Children, Care of the Earth and Indigenous Peoples. This campaign affords us the opportunity of collaborating with others, giving greater leverage in addressing these issues.
Ann Marie Quinn PBVM
Executive Director of International Presentation Association (IPA)